Why freebsd is not suckless? not arguing, but i don't know a lot about
BSD's, so, i wanna know
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 3:11 AM, Fernan Bolando<fernanbolando_AT_mailc.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 4:25 AM, Uriel<lost.goblin_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
>> Agreed, OpenBSD is far from perfect, but it sucks much less than any
>> other *nix system out there this days.
>> Peace
>> uriel
>> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Jack Woehr<jax_AT_well.com> wrote:
>>> There's already a BSD distrib that sucks less. It's called OpenBSD!
>>> --
>>> Jack J. Woehr # I run for public office from time to time. It's
>>> like
>>> http://www.well.com/~jax # working out at the gym, you sweat a lot, don't
>>> get
>>> http://www.softwoehr.com # anywhere, and you fall asleep easily afterwards.
> crux distro for linux
> openbsd or netbsd for bsd
> --
> http://www.fernski.com
-- --------------------------------- http://aleyscha.spaces.live.com/ ""El lugar mas peligroso de todos es el cielo... En el, cada pensamiento se hace realidad... sea bueno o malo... creas tu paraiso o tu infierno""Received on Sun Jun 21 2009 - 12:06:06 UTC
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