Re: [dev] wmii how to replace status bar with dzen2

From: Julien Jehannet <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 23:11:21 +0100

2011/2/7 Michael <>:
> On 07/02/2011 10:19, Thomas Dahms wrote:
>> I don't see the point in using a third-party status bar with wmii, you
> (...)
> Probably I could get away with text info instead of icons, but then I still
> need some way of changing the color of given text depending on it's value.
> And I failed to find a way of doing it in wmiirc.

I had similar needs in the past and wrote some stuff that can help you
a bit to write your wmii "applets":

To enable your right bar, you can adapt this snippet in your wmiirc:

                echo | wmiir create "/rbar/ " # left separator
                for bar in $WMII_PATH/rbar/*(x); {
                        if wmiir remove /rbar/$bar 2>/dev/null; then
                                killall $bar:t &>/dev/null
                        PATH=$WMII_PATH/rbar:$PATH nice -n 19 $bar &

It uses zsh but it should be easy to translate/improve to (ba)sh
syntax. The only problem is the number of processes (but most of the
time in sleep state).

This solution works not so bad but if you want to create a full
graphics bar I recommend you to switch to the combo: conky (cli) +
dzen2. Nevertheless in wmii, I prefer to manage my left bar (views) by
wmii events directly.

Hope it can help,

J u l i e n    J e h a n n e t
Received on Tue Feb 08 2011 - 23:11:21 CET

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