On 2012-01-01 21:13, Suraj N. Kurapati wrote:
> So I considered the trade-offs between SLOC minimalism, project and
> community activity, and my productivity in DWM vs. WMII and finally
> decided to switch back to WMII (which I used since six years prior).
How often do people re-evaluate their toolsets?
With my shell, I can examine shell history and do stuff like:
cd() {
test -f $1 && dir=`dirname $1`
builtin cd "$dir" && ls | sed 10q | fmt -w $COLUMNS
With X11, do we screencast a day's work and watch it in fast-forward?
Every three months I look at
and occasionally find stuff (like zathura).
Received on Mon Jan 02 2012 - 08:02:21 CET