Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

From: Martti Kühne <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:23:33 +0200

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Max DeLiso <> wrote:
> Well it does add an extra layer of abstraction which could be a source of
> bugs. Also that would make contributing significantly more difficult for the
> Windows people.

People use windows because they don't know any better. They don't even
want to know any better. Let's write suckless code and then hide it
under three layers of dysfunctional GUI and press F1 for help... I
think not even F1 will help you with your virus-infected,
self-destructive, noob-friendly piece of shit OS.

That said, I remember good times with windows. Back when I downloaded
and installed $actual_os.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:17 PM, pancake <> wrote:
> definitevly debugging cygwin programs is almost impossible (try it by
> yourself), but anyway.. what's the point of using C++? and well.. i guess
> you know that st depends on X and pty. and windows have none of those
> things? and well. who cares about windows nowadays?

Never did that. Thanks for the heads-up, although I was already under
the impression that on windows nothing at all can be debugged,
because, well, where's the fucking source to anything?

Received on Thu Apr 11 2013 - 17:23:33 CEST

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