Re: [dev] misc projects

From: Mihail Zenkov <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 21:13:28 +0000

2013/10/22, Sylvain BERTRAND <>:
> Hi,
> I may have some projects of interests for people concerned with
> philosophy:
> :
> As you may know, the GTK+ stack has a unicode layout engine
> called pango, which was made hard dependent on harfbuzz, a c++
> component. To keep GTK+ in the C realm and avoid the kludgy c++
> realm, I started a C99 port of harfbuzz. This is possible because
> harfbuzz has a C API. Without a technically expensive build
> system (GNU autotools, cmake...). Very lightly tested.

Thanks! I try it on my system.

> Another early linux userspace. This one has no dependency above
> linux syscalls. Need to port blkid to make it more comfy to use,
> and use CPIO text description to avoid being root to create the
> early linux userspace filesystem. And that should be enough.
> Without a technically expensive build system (GNU autotools,
> cmake...). I use it on my systems.

I dislike initramfs conception - it make system more complicated. For
mount root on usb storage I use attached patch. With it you can pass
label to kernel parameters. Example: root=LABEL=root_usb

Received on Tue Oct 22 2013 - 23:13:28 CEST

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