On Mon, 2 Dec 2013 09:20:52 +0100
Martin Kopta <martin_AT_kopta.eu> wrote:
> [2] http://www.root.cz/clanky/suckless-mene-smradlavy-software/
Hey Martin,
Nice article, man!
The only thing that bothers me, after reading the comments, is that
still many people complain about the need to recompile the software
when the configuration is changed.
You can present the benefits of compile-time-configuration even more
and make even clearer, that compiling nowadays doesn't take much
time anymore (at least for me, not having to learn yet another config-
interface for package xy).
Keep up the great work!
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Mon Dec 02 2013 - 11:18:25 CET