On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Kai Hendry <hendry_AT_webconverger.com> wrote:
> RSS is dead. why bother?
Why bother? The troves of people who cried at Google Reader shutting
down would say otherwise. RSS is "dying" because companies like
Google, Facebook, Twitter want to *own* the flow of information, and
they can't do that when the world uses open plumbing. This is BS.
I certainly want an open Internet, one where a filter bubble doesn't
exist. Right now, the plumbing we have for this is RSS and Atom. To a
lesser degree, I guess XMPP (see the efforts of the early autonomo.us
http://wiki.autonomo.us/Main_Page) movement)
Received on Fri Dec 13 2013 - 07:04:10 CET