Re: [dev] fsbm

From: Calvin Morrison <>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 22:33:09 -0500

On 31 October 2014 17:23, Calvin Morrison <> wrote:
> Exactly,
> a C rewrite will be done, I just didn't have any more time. (time to
> go trick or treating!) [0]
> It reeks of stupid OOP when it doesn't need it at all
> Calvin
> [0]
> On 31 October 2014 17:21, Dimitris Papastamos <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 04:53:28PM -0400, Calvin Morrison wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> I just released fsbm [0] a small bandwidth monitor
>>> i rewrote cbm, a bandwidth meter to output to stdout instead of
>>> writing out to curses. I find this to be more more palatable and I can
>>> use it with i3 or whatever status bar system I want. the code still
>>> sucks, but i only just hacked out the curses part, i now just need to
>>> rewrite the statistics function.
>>> overall, code is sucky, but better than before.
>> I think you are missing a MetaVirtualBandwidthFactoryInterface.

Hidey Ho Neighbors,

A rewrite to C has been done [0] Please check it out the code is
pretty reeky and I want some advice on how to make it suck less. I was
avoiding doing extra mallocs so there's a lot of ugly printfs, plus
there's still always an extra tabulator on the end field.

Also, on an related note, someone dropeed a tiling wm in Rust:[1]

Received on Thu Nov 06 2014 - 04:33:09 CET

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