Re: [dev] K, a low-level procedural imperative programming language

From: M Farkas-Dyck <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 15:47:08 -0500

On 27/11/2014, Wander Nauta <> wrote:
> What does your language have to offer? Is it safety? Expressiveness?
> Productivity? Ease of use?

• Unambiguous grammar
• Low level
• Tuples
• Easy interface with C

> Do K programs run faster than C programs?

Not in general.

> Also, what is a 'for loop afterthot' (sic)

It is done at the end of each loop iteration, e.g. increment loop counter.

> why are the operators all weird


> why do you use parentheses where every C-like language uses braces

In K, braces mean struct. Parentheses are needed about sequential
function bodies lest
f () : () ≔ (); x : ();
be so parsed as 2 declarations:
f () : () ≔ ();
x : ();

> why are integer types 'word-sized'?

Some are, some aren't. E.g. "Nat 8" is an unsigned byte.

> Not criticizing your great plans, just genuinely curious.

Yep, it's cool ☺

On 27/11/2014, pancake <> wrote:
> c makes hidden heap allocations? Wat

No, I meant that a true alternative to c for systems programs must
also not make hidden heap allocations.
Received on Thu Nov 27 2014 - 21:47:08 CET

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