Re: [dev] [dwm] 6.1 release

From: Jakub Lach <>
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2015 15:25:05 +0100

Dnia 9 listopada 2015 0:45 Hiltjo Posthuma <> napisaƂ(a):

> After a long time (dwm 6.0 was released on 2011-12-19) it is time for a new
> dwm release.

I'm grateful for maintaining this software, however my upgrade from 6.0->1
brought me nothing but grumpiness unfortunately.

It has xft that I don't want, my terminus font doesn't work (or I haven't
figured the syntax), had to rewrite config.h, dmenu does not spawn at all
even in default configuration (why?), no usable changelog to ease the
transition attached, I don't even like how terminals are resized/unattached
if changed to floating mode now.

Sorry for this rant, I've really liked dwm till 6.0, just few changes
in config.h usually, feeling a bit let down now.
Received on Mon Dec 07 2015 - 15:25:05 CET

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