Re: [dev] [stali] Need musl based toolchain on stali installation

From: Anselm R Garbe <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 16:36:45 +0200

On 7 October 2016 at 16:24, Bruno Vetter <> wrote:
> yes, it's tedious and I understand that it's not crucial to have the toolchain statically linked. Trying to do so also brings up a lot of questions that I cannot answer easily. For example a statically linked linker apparently does not support an lto plugin. I have no idea if that would be acceptable for a toolchain.
> I might just go on with the existing toolchain as you describe. Thanks much for your help.

You can give a shot, apparently most parts of it are
statically linked.

I got stali partially compiled with it, though I stopped at libressl
which had some linux header problems apparently with ellcc's includes
that I haven't resolved yet. But it didn't appear too hard to be
worked around.

Received on Fri Oct 07 2016 - 16:36:45 CEST

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