Re: [dev] Scrollback utility for use with st

From: Laslo Hunhold <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 16:43:04 +0200

On Mon, 06 Apr 2020 09:58:06 -0400
"Greg Reagle" <> wrote:

Dear Greg,

> Yes that happen to me occasionally, which is why I use the scrollback
> patch for st. I find it much easier to hit Shift+PageUp than to
> rerun a command. And when the output of a command changes with time,
> re-running it might not get the same output.

yes, that is an additional factor. You sometimes cannot reset the
state, e.g. if a portage-sync fails or something.

> I use dwm so my windows are resized a lot. It would be great if st
> could be resized without losing text. I notice that dvtm and tmux
> handle a shrinking window differently. In dvtm, the text is just cut
> off; in tmux, the text is wrapped. Both of them restore the text
> properly when the window is enlarged again. I think I like the dvtm
> (truncation) way better, but I don't really know or care that much.
> The important thing is that the text is not lost.

This implementation detail would need to be discussed, but I first
wanted to test the waters and see how the general opinion here is.

With best regards

Received on Mon Apr 06 2020 - 16:43:04 CEST

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