Re: [dev] Ada not Rust

From: Jeremy <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2021 09:21:57 -0700

On 04/26/21 03:43PM, Ross Mohn wrote:
> > Ross Mohn <> wrote:
> > > I and my entire team have been actively and successfully using dvtm for
> > > years. I haven't had it crash in a long while now, and I regularly keep
> > > sessions alive for months. However, I am very interested in using
> > > something as you describe above, with a library version of st that is
> > > kept up-to-date. I didn't get your svtm to work out-of-the-box, but I
> > > will continue to debug it myself. I got all the programs to compile
> > > fine, but did go into each Makefile and, where necessary, added the '?'
> > > character to this line "PREFIX ?= /usr/local".
> > Why do you need `?=`. The only difference between `=` and `?=`?
> >
> > Apart from `=` beginning the only assignment operator defined by POSIX,
> > is that `?=` has no effect if the variable is already defined wheras
> > `=` does not have any effect if the variable is set in the command line.
> I have PREFIX defined in my environment and make use if it in scripts as
> well as in Makefiles, so I don't generally have to pass it in on the
> commandline. I could certainly run it as `PREFIX=$PREFIX make`. I have to
> use my own PREFIX on the several shared servers I use where I compile and
> install my own apps local to just me. It's fine to make a decision to not
> use `?=` because of POSIX or whatever.

"because of POSIX or whatever" XD

It should work out of the box now.
Received on Wed Apr 28 2021 - 18:21:57 CEST

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