Hi Mattias,
Happy New Year!
> But I also like makel, but I will give it some more though before I
rename it a second time.
So... makellint? :D
I like it; it seems 'makel' is unused as a project name.
Are there any suggestions for handling out-of-source builds using
POSIX makefiles? I recently had a project where we needed to
support multiple platforms and so output-ing object files and binaries
into platform-specific directories was needed.
I know that GNU's pattern matching rules support this behaviour, i.e.:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $_AT_
Perhaps just listing all of the object files and source +
dependencies would be the easiest way in this instance?
Best regards,
Tai Chi Minh Ralph Eastwood
Received on Sat Jan 01 2022 - 14:08:24 CET