On Wed, 19 Oct 2022 00:49:57 +0000
Rodrigo Martins <rm_AT_firemail.cc> wrote:
Dear Rodrigo,
> toxic is a curses command line interface for the tox protocol. With
> it you can do group audio calls and one on one video calls. toxic
> doesn't (yet?) let you share your screen, but other tox clients, like
> qtox, do.
> I won't say it is suckless, but it is somewhat close. One could
> easily use the tox library to implement a suckless tox client, take a
> look at some echo bot code examples.
Dimitris Papastamos, z3bra and I had worked on ratox[0] (with useful
scripts here[1]), a suckless Tox-client, back in 2014. After the second
toxcore-API-iteration within a few months we were fed up with it,
though, and the project was put on hold.
It was inspired by ii (FIFO-based-model), and we had some pretty cool
state-machine-magic going on there. Ratox, among other things, even
supported voice and video calls via FIFO, which was really cool!
If you're looking for a project, bringing this back up to speed with
mainline-toxcore might be a nice thing. :)
With best regards
Received on Wed Oct 19 2022 - 07:41:19 CEST