NOTE: again, my eyes, so cannot read everything, but I can at least read your
replies to my comments.
> This is what you might be after:
1. glad I'm not the only one.
2. glad you know of it (and also knowing of Suckless) :)
> the waves *power* the device, the device consuption is negative: harvest
energy from the environment. This needs very powerful emitters though...
Interesting. (thinks of that tower thing that Nikola Tesla worked on or
something something wireless energy something.)
Either way: a all-in-one solare/wind/water energy source would be awesome
a in-the-kit option or something :)
Thanks! More like
This shit seems fucking hardcore!
> There are multiple HamRadio operators who send voice conversation across
continents with 1W of power, this usually gets them some medal though!
I love the fuck out of that!
> But yeah, waves can propagate beyond the horizon (~64km) at low
Ah.. perhaps I saved my reference wrong..
Rerhaps I meant this:
"apparently: lower frequency signals have a longer range, but are slower,
higher frequency signals have a shorter, but less reliable/lower range.
Reliable in this case means that if the signal is blocked by objects that are
in it's way, the signal will not be interrupted."
Or something like that..
> Side pun: Maybe IP over Pigeon Carrier can go even beyond. ^_^
Hahaha good luck China with that censorship! *launches electro-magnetic
pulse-wave attacks*
Sorry, I don't support ShitScript so I cannot view that, since they disallow
anonymity and security at the same time.
> I'd advise to seek for existing projects, many hardware needs some
amount of
networking built into their hardware.
Talking about hardware/networking DIY-ing and shit, did you know that Terry
Davis, creator of TempleOS ( planned on creating his own CPU
design or something like that (unfortunately CPUs made by Intel or something
like that -_-), but also networking via RJ232 or something like that, some
serial thing.
What do you think about that? I know not of serial shit, yet.
Is it any good?
And not sure about it's speed limit.. even if it is good for client-end,
if one
were to run say multiple machines and had a master-router, then that wouldn't
really cope well, now would it?
With ethernet.. "NOW THERE'S NO TELLING HOW HIGH I CAN GO!"(quote Dragon Ball
But I suppose that comes with it's own hassles, since there must be a reason
there's lower bandwidth support on say older RPIs.
> That reminds me of
Damn, it has C in it. But then again, it has other shit in it, as well ._.
Are we asking for too much?
> # Cjdns Changelog ## Version 22 - Noisemaker February 3, 2023 It's been
since September 18, 2020 when cjdns v21 was tagged out, and brought only
experimental inclusion of Rust code to cjdns. v22 makes Rust a main
language in
which cjdns is written, and it is foreseen that in v23, almost all
with the OS will be done in Rust.
God dammit, I spoke too soon.
Rust is fucking cancer!
I posted before why, do I need to again?
> You are talking about massive effort: writing a network stack, hardware
drivers for multiple boards, verilog/other HDL for the switching/routing
acceleration (you'd like to be able to still watch online videos, even at low
I know.
Hardware? 1st off start simple, and make it work.
Simple might mean only 1 hardware combination xD, but make it cheap, make it
DIY-able, make it so that even if someone doesn't have it: they can easily
it or create it.
Watch online videos?
I don't do that, pal.
Who do you think that I am?
I download 100% of videos that I watch to a computer.
I require >20kbit/s connection, and that's it, and I2P provides that :)
Think that I'm too hardcore? BEEEP wrong, I'm just used to the timing of
to download.
> RaspberryPis have bee shortaged, out of order world-wide for years now
That's because they cannot be DIY-ed, and also: people throw away shit and
probably do not recycle anything.
> One does not simply buy raspberry pis anymore! ^_^'
Do you believe in RPI's chip shortage or something along those lines?
> SMT? Surface Mount Technology? You can go with larger DIP packages if they
are available for the parts you need or go with a PCB.
Yes, SMT. whoopsie.
I think I once tried to solder a SMT LED.
I fucking lost it and searched it for 30 minutes. It was hilarious, no
it was.. I almost cried from torture
> I think you might encounter a wall of difficulty when trying to run bare
metal C on top of hardware and try to drive peripherals, but not necessarily!
That's why I proposed the initial one-combo hardware per-say.
Know what works, and work with that, later increase field of support if
wanted, etc.
Pretty sure that's how GNU/Linux did it.
> They are a bit hard to find, but the hardware seems able to support what
Except since you're already making shit hardware-wise and tinkering, hacking,
why not use something that's an FPGA and the hardware itself can be verified
(watch the video I linked to, because open source software doesn't provide
freedom/privacy if hardware is compromised :) )
> I would advise to save every single cursed word from your email for the
moment you try to implement a network stack in C, and after succeeding,
realizing that you would need more hardware acceleration and spend another
extra 5 years on this project to get there.
I started a simple networking thing in C, for games and giggles.
I kind-of know what you mean .. I got a headache when I saw the Bjeer's guide
on C networking, or something like that hahaha..
All those options, settings ,IP headers and what-not, holy shit!
But yeah.. performance? Acceleration? Not sure what you're aiming for, I'm
aiming for at least 1M/s for the start.
We aren't trying to catch-up with modern $10k motherboards, we're, or at
I'm here trying to bring the idea of 100% independent bullet-proof network,
whose' speed would increase with time as more and more peers create more and
more and larger networks, and the hardware/software might improve with
revisions, etc.
Dreaming big is okay, but small steps, slow and steady.
I got zero intentions in this health condition, but who knows, perhaps my
changes, perhaps I do something meaningful with it lol.
> This might be a good use-case though: a small device that can
communicate on
long-range, needs little-to no configuration, and lacking an operating
can fit on tiny tiny inexpensive devices, and provide email-style
networking to
the masses.
Good morning, you just realized what I meant hahaha
Althought not sure about the 'email-style' part.
You seem to not comment on I2P at all, do you even know what it is?
Anyways, you seem like a good and intelligent fellow, nice chatting to you,
unlike the other snowflake.
Received on Fri May 12 2023 - 18:58:54 CEST