On 23/07/09 08:43AM, Dr. André Desgualdo Pereira wrote:
> # xprop
> xprop shows the correct name, but it doesn't has the _NET_WM_NAME defined as
> it used to have on Debian 11 and before (I guess it is because missing library
> tkinter for python2.7).
> Example: WM_NAME(STRING) = "André Desgualdo.odt - OpenOffice Writer"
I have made two files, one with á and ASCII characters and another with added
Ñš. The results from xprop are:
WM_NAME(STRING) = "thisátest.odt - LibreOffice Writer"
WM_NAME(COMPOUND_TEXT) = "thisátestњ.odt - LibreOffice Writer"
This implies that this is a X.Org issue. Strings having only ISO 8859-1
characters are silently degraded to STRINGs when they should really be
Received on Mon Jul 10 2023 - 06:32:13 CEST