Re: [dev] [st] question about keyboard shortcuts

From: Eric Pruitt <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 10:15:19 -0700

On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 11:20:52AM +0300, Feodor wrote:
> As you said, I tried to edit ~/.Xresources:

I never said anything about Xresources. Those are for XTerm, not st. The
important part from Stack Exchange link are the screenrc files.

> escape ^[[27;5;9~
> bindkey ^[[1;3D prev
> bindkey ^[[1;3C next

This configuration snippet doesn't make sense to me. You don't need the
"escape" line and your bindkey configuration doesn't even use the right
sequences. All you should need are bindkey lines:

bindkey "^[[27;5;9~" next
bindkey "^[[27;6;9~" prev

I tested this on a new screen installation without issue.

Tangentially, if you're asking for help configuring something, sharing
the configuration you have that doesn't work is the bare minimum you
should do. That information isn't something people trying to help you
should have to fish for.

Received on Sun Jul 07 2024 - 19:15:19 CEST

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