Re: [dev] [st] question about keyboard shortcuts

From: Feodor <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:54:38 +0300

2024.07.07 20:15 Eric Pruitt wrote:

> This configuration snippet doesn't make sense to me. You don't need the
> "escape" line and your bindkey configuration doesn't even use the right
> sequences. All you should need are bindkey lines:
> bindkey "^[[27;5;9~" next
> bindkey "^[[27;6;9~" prev
> I tested this on a new screen installation without issue.
I dont need 'bindkey "^[[27;5;9~" next' and 'bindkey "^[[27;6;9~" prev'.
I need ALT+Left/Right to switch between tabs, which I've already
configured with
bindkey ^[[1;3D prev
bindkey ^[[1;3C next
and it works as I need.
What I didn't yet configured is "escape" keyboard combination in screen.
I need to make CTRL+Tab to be escape combination in screen. So that
should be
escape ^something
'escape ^Bb' makes it to be CTRL+b as escape combination, and it works.
But I need to make it CTRL+Tab.

> Tangentially, if you're asking for help configuring something, sharing
> the configuration you have that doesn't work is the bare minimum you
> should do. That information isn't something people trying to help you
> should have to fish for.
I use st and screen in my CRUX distro.
Received on Tue Jul 09 2024 - 15:54:38 CEST

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