Re: [dwm] yet another random ideas

From: Julian Romero <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 12:05:58 +0100

On 1/4/07, Anselm R. Garbe <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm thinking about a different kind of tiled layout which I try
> to describe in the following...
> What I have in mind is something like a customizable grid layout
> which displays clients within a ring list.

I think it is worth a quick prototype.

Regarding customizable layout I have a (*random*) idea in mind but w/ no
time to try it out.
The idea is to have a grid definition for each tile mode. The grid "string"
states where the next client will show upits relative size.

An attempt of explanation using examples...

a max of 2 visible clients in 2 columns
#define C2 "\
01 "

max 2 clients in 2 rows, single column
#define R2 "\
0 \
1 "

a more sophisticated layout for maximun 5 clients
#define L5_AS_2_PLUS_3 "\
001 \
234 "

or 2 "big" clients in top-left corner plus a bottom one and 2 additional
clients in right-most side
#define L4_AS_1_PLUS_3 "\
00113 \
00114 \
22222 "

When a figure is repeated the relative (inital) size increases. If there is
more clients they will be showed with focus next/previou (dismishing one of
the currently visible) The client in position 0 may keep untouched (a kind
of master client).

In addition to cycling over the layouts we can associate shortcuts to a
specific one...

 { MODKEY, XK_l, dohypercustomtile, { .cmd
= L4_AS_1_PLUS_3 } }, \

An algorithm to parse such strings and assign client dimensions and
coordinates accordingly is not be very hard.
This customization is (mainly) useful if each tag or tag combination
remembers its last used layout.

Remember, just and idea.

Received on Fri Jan 05 2007 - 12:05:58 UTC

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