Why not just keep it simple and store a seltags[] for each monitor and a single
variable indicating which is the current monitor selected?
This way you can achieve any of the possibilities (show the same client in both
monitors, move a window from one to another, etc..
For me this approach looks the simpler one and fits all my needs. which situations
are not handled by this approach?
On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 23:10:14 +0100
Antoni Grzymala <antoni_AT_chopin.edu.pl> wrote:
> Anselm R. Garbe dixit (2007-12-09, 18:27):
> [snip]
> > > One idea I was playing in my mind with for a while was assigning some of
> > > the tags to the other display and move between the displays seamlessly
> > > as if moving between the tags -> I guess I'll still have the problem of
> > > not being able to move the programs between other-display-tags but it'd
> > > look more natural and I won't have to invoke switchscreen separately.
> > >
> > > For my taste, treating different displays as different tag sets is a
> > > better solution than defining a very large display where one tag spreads
> > > over both of the screens. But of course the ability to move program
> > > windows between the displays is quite handy, too.
> >
> > One problem with using a subset of your tags for a different
> > screen occures, if a window is tagged with a tag from one screen
> > and with another tag from a different screen. We cannot display
> > a window on two screens, at least not mirrored (Xinerama allows
> > to display portions of windows on different screens however) ;)
> I think this discussion is going in the right direction. My suggestion
> to marry those two contradicting views would be like this:
> - in normal circumstances two heads act like two separate dwm instances
> (the way I guess most people are doing now), you can jump between them
> the usual way (ie. sh -c 'DISPLAY=:0.1 swarp 512 384');
> - both heads have their own freely settable sets of tags (like two
> separate dwm instances);
> - add another property to a client (called head, for example),
> signifying which head a client should appear on (mutually exclusive,
> so that we don't try do display a client on both heads;
> - allow changing the "head" property for a client with a keyboard-bound
> function while preserving other attributes of the client (tagset,
> float/non-float);
> Do you think this makes sense?
> Regards,
> --
> [a]
Received on Tue Dec 11 2007 - 14:08:14 UTC
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