On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 12:38:22AM +0100, Rashad Kanavath wrote:
> [...]
> There is patch to enable scrolling in st [2]. Is it important to apply this
> patch if I use tmux.?
> [...]
> The issue I had using st+tmux or screen is that,
> I need to run the command every time.
> `st -e tmux` using C-b [
> [...]
C-b PageUp and C-b PageDown will also enter copy mode. If you add
set mouse on
to your ~/.tmux.conf, you can use the mouse scroll wheel for that.
> Is there anyway I can run st with tmux or screen by default without the scroll
> patch in[2] ?
> [...]
If i recall that correctly, tmux supports being your login shell.
If you _always_ want to have tmux running, you can use chsh -s
/usr/bin/tmux to change your shell to it. I just have
st -e /bin/sh -c "tmux attach"
in my "gimme a shell" binding. My ~/.tmux.conf contains
new-session -s g
which causes tmux to create a new session named 'g' if I try to
attach and it's not already running.
Received on Wed Nov 25 2015 - 12:03:53 CET