Re: [wmii] Can't get new key bindings to work

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:43:48 +0200

On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 11:52:09AM -0700, Curtis Spencer wrote:
> I have been trying to put up some key bindings to do controls to mpd,
> namely mpc toggle, mpc next, etc. I am having trouble making new key
> bindings using wmir. I have tried the following:
> $ wmir read /keys/mode/normal/mod1+t
> term
> $ wmir create /keys/mode/normal/mod1+s
> $ wmir write /keys/mode/normal/mod1+s term
> $ wmir read /keys/mode/normal/mod1+t
> term
> Yet, when I press mod1+s, I don't get a terminal executing. What am I
> doing wrong? I am running snapshot 1017.

You need to propagate the change to the filesystem to wmikeys
through doing:

wmir create /keys/mode/normal/mod1+s 'mpc toggle'
wmir write /keys/lookup /mode/normal

The latter write triggers wmikeys to update the keybindings in
its namespace in the directory /mode/normal. Note that /keys is
just the mount point of the wmikeys server in the wmifs server.

In the future, with wmii-3, the new wmikeys will notice direct
changes without the need for an update.

> kbind $MODKEY+s "mpc toggle" ?

Adding that to wmirc would work, but only if you use

kbind $MODKEY+s 'mpc toggle'

wmirc performs knorm at the end of the file, which (re)sets the lookup
path to the valid shortcuts, which triggers a grab.


 Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Mon Oct 24 2005 - 21:43:48 UTC

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