Re: [wmii] wmii-4 title/frame coloring

From: Anselm R. Garbe <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 12:08:15 +0200

Hi Stefan,

On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 10:15:53AM +0200, Stefan Tibus wrote:
> Well, there's not much against it, but on one side the third color
> is removed as "unnecessary" and on the other side the code to
> highlight the index box on the right of the title is put back in
> again... Firstly I believe coloring the whole client in a different
> way is more obvious and secondly it looks even more aesthetic than
> that box in the title bar. And as a third point, if that box should
> be kept at least it's drawing schould be improved. Those three
> ifs in draw_client switching the color back and forth are somewhat
> ugly and ineffecient.
> What makes the third color bloating up the code is the fact that
> several lines of code have to be repeated with just some variable
> names changed. I think that the way to handle the configuration
> options within the code may be improved to reduce the overall
> number of lines of code while allowing for an easier introduction
> of additional options. (Reconfiguration of colors/whatever does
> not occur that often that it needs to be optimized for speed only.)
> ...tell me if I'm wrong here.

Having more lines of code for three color set defintions is obvious,
but wasn't the problem. In my eyes it is much harder to define a
sane color scheme with 3 kinds of color sets than with 2. Also,
the third color set only highlighted selected clients of unfocused
areas, and that was too less justification for them in my eyes.

I tried various color schemes, and most of the time I got the
feeling that 3 colors make it harder to decide which client is
focused, than a small box which indicates the focused client in
an adjacent column - one gets used to this small box after a

To the code quality I have to admit (also after a small flame in
the morning about glitches in the code), that I hadn't the time
yet to revise all portions. I don't want to do this now, but
after wmii-4, when a state is reached which contains feature
completeness of all things which have been planned for wmii.

That's it.


 Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Tue May 30 2006 - 12:08:15 UTC

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