Re: [wmii] wmiirc snippet: tag comments

From: Boo_boo <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 23:44:42 +0400

> So, if you have the tags "code, gimp, net, work", pressing MOD+1 accesses
> "code", MOD+2 accesses "gimp" etc.
> And it should be easy to keep track of if the number of tags is small. I
> can see that net is the third, gimp is the fourth... And if "code" goes
> away, "gimp" becomes 1. No hardcoding tags.

it's nice and clean solution, but it seems somewhat inconvenient for me -- i can't instantly figure out that "work" tag is fourth, i have to count from one to four to see that. it's simple, though. but when there are seven tags...

With best regards,
Received on Mon Sep 17 2007 - 21:44:27 UTC

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