Re: [wmii] wmiirc snippet: tag comments

From: Uriel <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 18:38:42 +0200

I have to absolutely agree, the tag names are just labels, I don't
really see the point to give them names unless your working style is
extremely static/restricted, and even then, it is just matter of
having your own conventions, the name is irrelevant.

Best wishes


P.S.: I must say I'm not sure I see the value of being able to display
more than one tag at the same time.

On 9/17/07, Anselm R. Garbe <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wanted to let you know how I use tagging in dwm.
> By default, dwm comes with a fixed set of 9 numeric tags.
> They are defined at compile time, because dwm
> provides no way to create a new tag or to remove an unused tag
> during runtime.
> The amount of 9 distinct tags seems to provide a sufficient
> number of distinct symbols you can remember. Usually there are
> up to 6 unused tags. Only in very rare scenarios I ended up
> with 7 tags in use, e.g. when heavily working in a multi-hosted
> development environment.
> When thinking about how to predefine tag names I'm
> going to use, I regularly concluded that those names are
> misleading, wrong or simply feel too unflexible. For instance,
> when I choosed something like "net", "local", "work",
> "misc", "www", "mail", "irc" as my tag set, I regularly
> ended up with terminals editing a local file with the
> tags "net" and "work", a terminal with editing a remote
> file tagged with "local" or "www", etc.
> So what I noticed is, that I use tagging in a more fluent way
> with nearly no semantic meaning of the tag names on their own.
> It won't matter for me if the tags would be a, b, c, d, e, f, g,
> h, i instead of 1, 2, 3, - or just chess figures, skat
> figures or even some small icons. I only need a certain number
> of distinct keys to use tagging.
> That way, I also don't need to retag a window when its semantic
> context changes (e.g. when ssh'ing to a different box or just
> editing a mail). Whenever I notice that I got too much windows
> in my view, I additionally tag those windows I want to
> concentrate on further with the next free tag and bring that in
> view. So I can switch between two sets, the current context and
> the context I want to concentrate on very easy - and without
> misleading tag names which would enforce some special meaning.
> Usually the last used tag is the set I concentrate on. The
> previous ones are of a more global or misc scope.
> Well that's not totally true, I got used to the exception that
> my browser windows end up tagged with 3, maybe I will change
> that someday, to have at least for browser windows a semantic
> www tag - which is the only real non-terminal app I heavily use.
> Besides this, dwm provides the ability to view more than a
> single tag at a time, you can view all tags alltogether to bring
> all existing windows into view. So this might be a reason for
> the more fluent use of tags in dwm than in wmii, but this thesis
> might be wrong.
> Regards,
> --
> Anselm R. Garbe >< >< GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 18:38:45 UTC

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