Re: [wmii] problem with 3.6 installation under MacOSX

From: Joerg van den Hoff <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:47:00 +0100

On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 10:32:15PM +0100, David wrote:
> Joerg van den Hoff <> writes:
> >> Make sure you don't have any old configuration files from wmii-3.1 lying
> >> around. It should all work if you do a clean install of 3.6.
> >
> > I did move the old ones (~/.wmii-3) out of the way (although
> > the new ones are in a separate destination (~/.wmii-3.5)
> > anyway?), but to no avail.
> What about those in /usr/local/etc (given you didn't change the default
> directories)? Are you sure you're not using some old wmiirc?

I moved everything old out of the way, I believe. executables and
config files found should definitely all be the new ones. my only concern
is whether some wrong libraries are dynamically linked (?). could this be?

> > any more ideas? I'd love to get it to working correctly.
> I second the things Alexis wrote: if you use Leopard, you should
> definitely get rid of the default X11 since it is a complete disaster.
> Instead, you can install the one from macosforge or you downgrade to
> Tiger's X11 (that's what I did, see
> e.g. on how to do this).

yes, I know, but I'm still on 10.4 with Xfree86 anyway.

I know did look closer again on what happens when wmii starts up:

-- (nearly) full screen xterm appears
-- rest (rim) of screen covered with background color (overlaying
   my X11 root window)
-- for a short moment a light grey task bar at the bottom appears
-- light grey bar vanihes and is replaced by black bar

-- where the blue-green background is visible button 3 brings up
   a menu (nop, delete, fullscreen)

-- mod1+a brings ab the `exec, quit, rc.wmii rehash status welcom wmiirc'
   menu where `exec' and `quit' quits the x11 session the rest is "no op"

if someone cares, I put the screendump of this screen in


which can be got by anonymous ftp from the server

(note that /private/tmp123 is a hidden directory)

I really appreciate your help and that of the other guys.

(hopefully it's not too dump an error on my side ...)

> -David
Received on Thu Dec 20 2007 - 11:47:01 UTC

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