On (22/07/09 10:30), Donald Allen wrote:
> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 10:30:34 -0400
> From: Donald Allen <donaldcallen_AT_gmail.com>
> To: dev mail list <dev_AT_suckless.org>
> Subject: [dev] dwm default bindings
> List-Id: dev mail list <dev.suckless.org>
> I think the default key bindings for dwm are a unfortunate in some
> cases. For example, alt-f, a natural choice for *f*loat mode,
> conflicts with pulling down the File menu in many applications from
> the keyboard. alt-T similarly conflicts with using the Tools menu in
> Firefox from the keyboard.
> I realize that these bindings can be changed. But that requires some
> work (and knowledge of C) on the part of the user. I'm talking about
> the choice of the defaults. Perhaps the keys modified by alt should
> instead be modified by ctrl-alt by default? And similarly, alt-shift
> -> ctrl-alt-shift? I am going to test this idea by modifying my setup.
> I'll let you know how it works out.
> /Don
I personally tend to use winkey (aka Mod4), which is otherwise almost
unused key, so it's really suited for this.
-- Premysl "Anydot" Hruby, http://www.redrum.cz/ - I'm a signature virus. Please add me to your signature and help me spread!Received on Thu Jul 23 2009 - 08:42:43 UTC
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