Re: [dev] DWM Xinerama

From: Roger <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 08:00:30 -0900

> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 07:35:25AM -0500, Kurt H Maier wrote:
>On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 5:28 AM, Ruben Mikkonen <> wrote:
>>> Is there anything I can use to force an application (ie mplayer) to start
>>> on
>>> Monitor1 using the console/terminal on Monitor0, instead of always having
>>> to
>>> move the mouse to the second display and using DMenu?
>The last field in the rules array in config.h (which is -1 in all the
>examples) is used to set monitor preference.

Thanks Kurt.

Seems the value "0" sends the instance to the second monitor here. Mplayer's
-xineramascreen option has no effect on monitor placement and mplayer's
-geometry seems to act a little funny.

Seems DWM takes precedence over the mplayer's options concerning monitor
placement. So using the dwm.h file is best for specifying monitor? (And
likely full screen mode too as mplayer's -xinerama has null effect again,
likely due to DWM precedence?)

(Documenting to Gentoo Wiki's DWM page.)

Received on Thu Nov 10 2011 - 18:00:30 CET

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