Re: [dev] wmii noob key binding help

From: Benjamin R. Haskell <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 12:50:17 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 25 Feb 2011, Eitan Goldshtrom wrote:

> I've put the following directly into the events() function of my
> wmiirc script in the KeyGroup Other section
> Key $MODKEY-z
> amixer sset PCM 4+ &
> Key $MODKEY-v
> eval wmiir setsid amixer sset PCM 4+ &
> I've since quit wmii, logged out, logged back in, and started X and
> wmii again. Still the key bindings don't work. When I test each of
> those commands in a terminal it has the desired effect. I'm at a loss
> at this point as to why it doesn't work. Is there a way for me to
> check and see if anything is happening at all, even though my volume
> isn't actually changing?

Try something interactive to see that keys are being reloaded (maybe
you're editing the wrong wmiirc?):

         xmessage blahblah &

or something that creates an obvious change:

         wmiir xwrite /ctl view "CHANGED"

Maybe amixer isn't in your $PATH by the time wmii starts:

         $HOME/local-stuff/amixer sset PCM 4+ &

Or just log the errors, and go from there:

         amixer sset PCM 4+ >$HOME/amixer.stdout 2>$HOME/amixer.stderr &

Received on Fri Feb 25 2011 - 18:50:17 CET

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