Greg Minshall wrote:
> that's next. below that is a revised stack
> trace with a few more filled-in entries.
> (apologies for the remaining unknowns.)
Okay, try re-installing webkit, both -dev and
the package. I'm not really sure what's the
problem. I received segfaults on GTK+2 and
some of the suckless software (sxiv) last week,
apparently because of cryptsetup (because after
an update it stopped appearing; the code is
By the way, if you are an ex-BSD user, you may
want to try Alpine[1]. Stripped; elegant package
management; no systemd, dbus, GNU etc.; you
can also pull the ports, but packages are
usually compiled the way they should be. And
the documentation is pretty good.
Received on Mon Jan 16 2017 - 19:41:40 CET