On Sun, 8 Oct 2017 10:43:27 +0200
Bert Münnich <ber.t_AT_posteo.de> wrote:
Dear Bert,
> Maybe it's better to write a new minimal BSD Makefile using
> bsd.prog.mk instead of tailoring sxiv's GNU Makefile to make it work
> with BSD make.
just read the POSIX spec[0] on make and stop thinking within the bounds
of BSD or GNU make.
It's hard to make it right, but I went through great efforts to make
the farbfeld makefile[1] truly portable. Another good resource and
closer to your needs is the, also portable, slstatus makefile[2].
We need to stop falling for the fallacy that "portable" means "works
with BSDmake and GNUmake". Truly portable means consistent with the
POSIX spec.
With best regards
Laslo Hunhold <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Sun Oct 08 2017 - 13:01:49 CEST