Re: [dev] [sxiv] doesn't want to be compiled

From: Laslo Hunhold <>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2017 13:05:38 +0200

On Sun, 8 Oct 2017 11:14:21 +0200
Anselm Garbe <> wrote:

Dear Anselm,

> Using GNUmake is a poor choice. At least most suckless stuff builds
> fine with either BSD oder GNU make.

yes, using GNUism is never a good choice. Every step must be taken to
move away from the cancer that GNU is, infesting almost every aspect of
the modern UN*X system (core utilities, standard libraries, make, ...).

> But granted, that the cleanest solution would be to base all suckless
> tools on 9base/mk instead.

mk is nice, but there is just not enough "spread" of it to justify
using it. Everyone with a toolchain has a POSIX compliant make utility.
The problem with 9base/mk is that many people don't associate the two.
Maybe it would be wiser to separate mk from the rest and offer it as a
single package. Getting it packaged would be quite a bit of work - but
possible - and then it would be justified to create a hard dependency
on mk for different suckless tools.

With best regards


Laslo Hunhold <>
Received on Sun Oct 08 2017 - 13:05:38 CEST

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