Re: [dev] what is a suckless way to add a few keyboard shortcuts to Firefox

From: Страхиња Радић <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2024 15:33:32 +0100

On 24/01/05 02:08PM, stefan11111 wrote:
> Aside from ungoogled chromium, which browser would you say it's worth using?
> Preferably not chromium based and not tied to google/mozilla/<other big
> company>'s whims and shady interests.

That's the catch--The Web has grown too complicated over the years for someone
to try and create an independent engine which would be capable of rendering it.
And then the issue of maintenance would arise. Big Tech would very likely still
want, and eventually probably succeed, to get a stranglehold on it, or diminish
it in any way possible.

Currently, there are only a handful of "proper" engines, all controlled by
Google/Mozilla/Apple/Microsoft. Aside from Apple's Webkit, which falls into
this first category, and all the browsers using it, like surf, Badwolf, and a
plethora of others, there are projects like:

        - NetSurf, on life support for years now
        - ELinks, lynx, w3m and other textual browsers, not actually usable for
          most "modern Web"

I'm not a "fan" of Chromium nor Google. It just happens that **Ungoogled**
Chromium **with uMatrix** at the moment is the least evil to handle the
relatively necessary evil of current Web.

I was a Netscape user since 1996, and later a Firefox user, but like I said,
today's Firefox is simply not the same piece of software that Netscape and
first versions of Firefox were. Even for "normies", seemingly minor things like
changes to the UI and removal of features and possibilities for customization
are visible and a sign of not everything being quite as it should.

Received on Fri Jan 05 2024 - 15:33:32 CET

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