Alright, after browsing the archive I was able to whip up a working
solution. In my .xinitrc I have:
[ -p .dwm-status ] || mkfifo $HOME/.dwm-status
$HOME/ &
exec dwm <> $HOME/.dwm-status
In I have:
while true
echo "[ B: `/usr/sbin/apm -l`% T: `/sbin/sysctl hw.sensors.aps0.temp0 \
| sed 's/hw.sensors.aps0.temp0=//g' | sed 's/.00//g' | awk '{print \
$1}'`C ] [ `uptime | perl -e '<> =~ \
/\s+([0-9.]+),\s+([0-9.]+),\s+([0-9.]+)/;print qq[$1, $2, $3];'` ] [ \
`date "+%m/%d/%y %H:%M"` ]" > ~/.dwm-status
sleep 60
I'm now able to use alt+shift+q and dwm and the xsession exits like I
would expect!
-- James Turner BSD Group Consulting http://www.bsdgroup.orgReceived on Thu Jun 07 2007 - 00:20:28 UTC
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