Re: [wmii] veraenderter Modkey mit veraenderter Ctrl-Taste

From: Sebastian Schenker <>
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2006 15:00:36 +0100

wmii community <> schrieb am 04.03.06 13:03:48:
> Hmm, It works here. I have the Caps_Lock and Control_L keys both working
> as Control in the latest wmii.
> Here's the contents of my .xmodmap:
> remove Lock = Caps_Lock
> remove Control = Control_L
> keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
> keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
> add Control = Caps_Lock
> add Control = Control_L

Which key is your Modkey? Alt!?
If I choose Modkey=Alt it works for me as well. But if I choose for example the left windowskey, which
is Mod3 on my keyboard, it doesn't work with the "new" ctrl-key , but only for wmii keybindings. In an
xterm I can press for example Ctrl-e and jump at the end of the line. (The "original" left ctrl-key works
If your Modkey is Alt please try another Modkey and try Modkey-Ctrl-p.

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Received on Sat Mar 04 2006 - 15:01:07 UTC

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