[wmii] snap: 20060309

From: Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam_AT_wmii.de>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:49:44 +0100

Hi there,

things get more and more stable and usable, thus it is time once
again to release a new snapshot which can be downloaded from:

http://wmii.de/snaps/wmii-20060309.tar.gz (59kB)

This snapshot contains many changes:

- Fixed several crashing bugs (much more stable than yesterday's
- Implemented /ws/sel/sel/class (/client/X/class) file which
  contains the class:instance string of the specific client
- tags which are prefixed with the '~' character have the effect
  that the specific client is forced to be floating
- Transient windows have this prefix now
- Implemented /def/class namespace which can be used to
  predefine specific tags for special class:instance definitions
  of clients, ie
        wmiir create /def/class/'Gimp:*'
        echo -n '~3' | wmiir write /def/class/'Gimp:*'
  which results that all Gimp windows will appear floating in
  tag 3.
- If you don't supply any tag after the floating character (~),
  then an entry will only force that the specific class:instance
  is attached as floating, regardless the client, ie:
        wmiir create /def/class/Xterm:xterm
        echo -n '~' | wmiir write /def/class/Xterm:xterm
  which results that all xterms will be attached as floating and
  inherit the tag of the specific ws (or /def/tag if none
- If you apply a tag like '~1 2' to a client this will force
  wmii to show it floating in tag "1" and normal in tag "2".
- wmiir create has been changed, it does not implies any write
  anymore (this is because one might want create directories)
- the /bar/ namespace has been changed as well, the /bar/new
  mechanism is gone, instead you create labels through, ie
          wmiir create /bar/status
  This has the advantage that you can easily dynamically create
  remove labels. The labels are sorted alphabetically to its
  directory names defined in the create argument.
- The mentioned bar change allows us to display all labels which
  are currently in use in the bar and you can simply click a
  label ($MODKEY-Control-t has been removed, because it is much
  simplier now).
- $MODKEY-space sends the selected client to the floating layer,
- $MODKEY-Shift-space sends the selected client to the first
  column (this allows moving clients between floating/managed
- a new restacking algorithm makes sure that floating clients
  are always top-most
- fixed several focus issues recently reported

Have fun && kindly regards,

 Anselm R. Garbe  ><><  www.ebrag.de  ><><  GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Thu Mar 09 2006 - 13:49:44 UTC

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