Re: [wmii] feature suggestion/is this feature available yet?

From: John Nowak <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 07:44:55 -0500

On Mar 20, 2006, at 7:41 AM, Jani H. Lahtinen wrote:

> ext John Nowak wrote:
>> That is, of course, provided that you're willing to do it. I know
>> I'm never going to be scripting my window manager in any
>> significant way. If it isn't close to how I'd like it to be from
>> the start, most likely I'll just use something else that is.
> Or you ask nicely from someone who has scripts that do what you
> want. ;-) Quite seriously, many things in wmii can be done with a
> (very) small script, and there could quite well be a repository (as
> there is in for useful scripts. It goes a bit too far into
> the Windows way (tm) if everything is one large package, and you
> either take it or leave it.

Scripting is a good thing if it can enhance software for some of the
people that use it. I'm just arguing against leaving things out of
the main package that probably should be there because people can
always just script them in. This, of course, is a judgement call. I
shouldn't have to script anything to make the window manager livable
is all I'm saying. I have no trouble writing scripts for little
quirks or odd features that enhance something that is generally good

Ah my english is terrible this morning... I must get coffee.

- John
Received on Mon Mar 20 2006 - 13:44:59 UTC

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