Re: [wmii] Too much autocompletion in wmiimenu

From: Anthony Martin <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 23:31:59 -0700

Sander van Dijk <> once said:
> When there's both entered text and a selected item, wmiimenu will
> print the item on stdout when you press Enter. This is good, since
> this is what you generally want (the main point of wmiimenu is to show
> a list of items from which the user can pick one).
> The problem this thread is about is a serious one though, so I've
> pushed a little change to hg last night that allows retagging from 1+2
> to 1 in this way:
> - type in a '1' into the input field
> - this selects the '1+2' item
> - if you press Enter, 1+2 will be printed
> - if you press Shift-Enter, the default behavior will be overruled,
> and '1' will be printed instead
> This way we can make wmiimenu print out whatever we want regardless of
> what items are shown, and we still keep the nice default behavior of
> being able to just type a few chars and hit Enter when the wanted item
> is highlighed.

This is nice. I didn't notice there were any changes to hg as I've been
busy with finals at school this week.

Thanks, Sander.


"The right to be left alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom."
Received on Thu Apr 20 2006 - 08:32:02 UTC

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