Re: [wmii] snap: 20060425

From: Stefan Tibus <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:20:00 +0200

On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 03:00:39PM +1000, Chris Foster wrote:
> > 2) I'm very glad to have focus follows mouse, but it's annoying with
> > the stacked layout since it makes hidden clients pop up when all I
> > want to do is move the mouse to the bottom of the screen.
> This has been bothering me as well. It wouldn't be so bad, except that
> if you get the wrong thing focused you have to move the mouse all the
> way across the screen to focus the correct thing. I believe the old
> (2.5) behaviour which seemed to be OK was to focus the client but not
> raise it without a click... is this possible? Apart from that, the
> return of sloppy focus is _very_ welcome! Thanks Anselm.
Click (any button) to raise would be better, yes.

> When changing between views the location of the focus is lost. eg:
> * Create a view with two columns
> * Go to the rightmost column
> * Go to another view and then back again
> * The focus will have switched to the leftmost column - I find this kind
> of irritating since I tend to use multiple views for a single task.
Actually this is the same bug as above - the client under the mouse gets
focused and raised, which again is even more annoying in a stacked column.
I believe sloppy focus and stacked columns don't do well anyways, but the
current focus behaviour is better than before (where we had no click-through
and sometimes lost focus).

Two suggestions:
- focus & raise stacked clients with click only
  this may correspond to:
  - focus & raise by clicking into title bar
  - focus & raise when mouse is within the client
    excluding the title bar
- maybe center mouse within last selected client when changing views

Received on Wed Apr 26 2006 - 08:20:31 UTC

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