Re: [dev] [dwm] tagging interface

From: Rob <>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 16:21:10 +0100

On 7 October 2010 01:44, Wolf Tivy <> wrote:
> Aside, has anyone tried out the combo patch? I am finding it pretty useful.

Yeah, I just wasn't so keen on having to hold down each number when
selecting tags, so I tried to alter it so you could do something like

KeyDown: Modkey
KeyPress: 1
KeyPress: 2
KeyUp: Modkey

to select 1 | 2, obviously, rather than

KeyDown: Modkey
KeyDown: 1
KeyDown: 2
KeyUp: Modkey, 1, 2

So I tried to get dwm to set combo to 0 when _just_ modkey is released.
Haven't had any success so far though, the event isn't coming through;
I've tried various XGrabKey combinations, for example with Mod4Mask as
the keycode or as the modifier (and both), but to no avail.

If you've any advice, I'd be all ears.
Received on Thu Oct 07 2010 - 17:21:10 CEST

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