Dnia 8 grudnia 2015 5:23 Eric Pruitt <eric.pruitt_AT_gmail.com> napisaĆ(a):
> On Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 03:25:05PM +0100, Jakub Lach wrote:
> > It has xft that I don't want, my terminus font doesn't work (or I haven't
> > figured the syntax), had to rewrite config.h
> Your terminus font settings might not work out-of-the-box, but now
> everyone that wants to use dwm with languages that have more than Roman
> / Latin characters can easily do so. Without the Xft patch, the dwm
> status bar is completely useless for many Asian languages because no one
> font has full coverage. It should still be possible to use Terminus with
> Xft, but you'll just need to adjust the font spec.
That's true, I've got Terminus to work in the end, it required
a lot of systemwide XML digging and manually whitelisting it
for fontconfig (ugh), though while with XLFD I had the encoding
I wanted easily, Terminus:lang=pl doesn't do anything for me
strangely (as soon as there are national glyphs, output is blanked
The dmenu not spawning problem was due to default dwm config.def.h
wanting to use "-m" which is currently only supported by 4.6, while
I still had 4.5 (without Xft support, localised font and all that)
and expected it to, well work by default.
Sincere thanks for all the replies in this thread as well to all
people involved with dwm.
best regards
- Jakub Lach
Received on Tue Dec 08 2015 - 10:19:15 CET