Re: [dwm] Window management ideas

From: Antoni Grzymala <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 23:54:16 +0100

Seth Graham dixit (2007-12-10, 10:17):

> > It's sad to say, but I think terminal will never be 100% flicker-free
>> when resizing. There is no such thing as loosing line endings because
>> you used Mod-0 instead of Mod-9. In the fact, I'd much prefer them to
>> stay at 80char (or a multiple). It sounds weird to craft a special
>> rule for xterm and it's brothers but text application are in another
>> world than GUI apps.
> I got around this by hacking up the dotile() function to not resize windows,
> instead it merely moves them around.
> It wasn't a hard change, as I recall I only had to delete two or three
> lines. Last time I did it was dwm 1.5 though, I don't update my laptop very
> often. So maybe it's changed.
> It helps a lot in situations where resizing xterms is unwanted (serial
> console on a troublesome server being one example).

I use normal unhacked dwm, and for situations as you describe above I
use a different (xterm) terminal than ususal (urxvt) with a certain
geometry (80x25), a large font and a floating rule in dwm.

This way I can easily work on remote dosemu applications or terminal
emulators requiring 80x25 size.

This is pretty obvious stuff, so you probably have other reasons not to
work this way, but I thought I might share the idea.



Received on Mon Dec 10 2007 - 23:54:26 UTC

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