wmii mail list archive by subject
- (pseudo-)transparency bug in rxvt-unicode >= 5.x
- 10kloc project, wmii maintainer change
- [ANN] Ruby-IXP 1.0.2
- [ANN] YAML based Ruby wmiirc
- [dwm] dmenu-2.4
- [dwm] dmenu-2.4]
- [dwm] mailing list changed
- [dwm] New URL of repositories/source code
- [PATCH] add wimenu prompt support
- [wmi-devel] action "decorationstoggle"
- [wmi-devel] bash-completion for wmir?
- [wmii-2] nuisance in floating mode
- [wmii] "AfterFocus" event request and retagging clients
- [wmii] "Lower window" or "send to back" option in unmanaged mode?
- [wmii] "make clean install" error
- [wmii] "Rows" of columns? (feature/behaviour suggestion)
- [wmii] "Suspend key-bindings"
- [wmii] $HOME/.wmii-3/wmiirc
- [wmii] $MODKEY-t binding stopped working!
- [wmii] 'exec' action
- [wmii] (no subject)
- [wmii] (no subject) => should be: rc.wmii.local problems
- [wmii] -current stacked layout question
- [wmii] /def/inc
- [wmii] /tmp/file issue
- [wmii] 10kloc project, wmii maintainer change
- [wmii] 2 bars
- [wmii] 2.5.2 crashed
- [wmii] 20071003 snapshot config question
- [wmii] 23C3
- [wmii] 3 colors patch for wmii-4
- [wmii] 3.6 : I can't type a thing !
- [wmii] 3.6 crashes
- [wmii] 3.6-rc2: bar behavior (bug?)
- [wmii] 3.6/Latest snap : I can't type a thing !
- [wmii] 9base bug: dc missing
- [wmii] 9base install directory
- [wmii] 9base launcher script
- [wmii] 9base snapshot problem?
- [wmii] 9base-2 aka 'Abbadon' released
- [wmii] 9p problems
- [wmii] 9P2000 and wmiirc in Common Lisp
- [wmii] 9ubuntu?
- [wmii] [ANN] Issue tracking moving to Google Code.
- [wmii] [ANN] Major changes.
- [wmii] [ANN] New snap, 20050518
- [wmii] [ANN] New snap, major changes: wmii+ixp-20080120
- [wmii] [ANN] New snap: wmii+ixp-20080123
- [wmii] [ANN] New wmii snap!
- [wmii] [ANN] Python wmiirc and 9P library; alternative wmiircs
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 0.1
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 1.0.0
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 1.0.1
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 1.0.2
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 1.0.3
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 1.1.0
- [wmii] [ANN] Ruby-IXP 2.0.0
- [wmii] [ANN] Rumai 1.0.0
- [wmii] [ANN] Rumai 2.0.0
- [wmii] [ANN] Trac system for wmii available.
- [wmii] [ANN] wmii 3.6 released
- [wmii] [ANN] wmii-irb (interactive ruby shell for wmii)
- [wmii] [ANN] YAML based Ruby wmiirc
- [wmii] [BUG] Changing pages by selecting page number is impossible (patch enclosed)
- [wmii] [feature request] Single-click drag
- [wmii] [Fwd: Bug#409348: wmii manages wrongly forked wmiirc]
- [wmii] [gNewSense-users] minimal base system of gNS
- [wmii] [Newbie] Installing Latest Snapshot Issues: Can't create socket
- [wmii] [OT] pidgin buddy list
- [wmii] [patch] add prefix DESTDIR in wmii script
- [wmii] [PATCH] add wimenu prompt support
- [wmii] [PATCH] add wimenu screen selection support
- [wmii] [PATCH] devdraw
- [wmii] [patch] Pkeys was reffering to wmir
- [wmii] [Request for translation] Guide to wmii-3
- [wmii] [Semi-OT] libixp in wmii
- [wmii] A client focus Problem
- [wmii] A couple of Mod+A questions:
- [wmii] A guide to wmii - down?
- [wmii] a rule for adding to ! as well as other tags? and alternative tagging behaviours.
- [wmii] A tool for wmii: SSWriter
- [wmii] a wmii-3 curiosity - Mod-j/k wraps around, but not Mod-h/l???
- [wmii] about the mod key
- [wmii] about wmiibar2
- [wmii] accented chars in title- and statusbars
- [wmii] actions are broken
- [wmii] Adding cpu usage to status bar
- [wmii] adding data to 9p files using wmiir
- [wmii] adjusting menu fonts in firefox under wmii
- [wmii] alicq and skype in wmii-3
- [wmii] Alt+Enter doesn't work with wmii-3.5/Ubuntu 9.04
- [wmii] Always sending apps to managed space
- [wmii] an alternative way to dynamically resize windows
- [wmii] ANN: pywmii-0.1
- [wmii] annoying bug at snap20070304
- [wmii] Another bug ...
- [wmii] answers to IRC comments
- [wmii] anybody knows the name of this font in a wmii screenshot?
- [wmii] Assigning custom keybindings
- [wmii] Auto Layout
- [wmii] auto-float
- [wmii] Automatic destruction of views
- [wmii] Automatic startup - newbie
- [wmii] autoswitching to the view with newly created client?
- [wmii] background transparency with rc.wmii
- [wmii] bar on top
- [wmii] bar on top for 3.6
- [wmii] Bars with long lines of text
- [wmii] Best way to make windows sticky (multitags)?
- [wmii] Best way to select a particular client?
- [wmii] best way to test a snap
- [wmii] blocking on 'wmiir read /event'
- [wmii] Borderless clients?
- [wmii] Broken Pipe error
- [wmii] Broken vs. Recommended Apps
- [wmii] Bug (?) with wmirc being re-run
- [wmii] BUG in latest hg repo
- [wmii] Bug in wmii-3 (2006-05-19) regarding bar
- [wmii] Bug in wmiirc.sh
- [wmii] bug regarding /def/colmode ?
- [wmii] Bug report : version 3-current dev
- [wmii] Bug resize windows in floating mode
- [wmii] Bug(?) with selecting pages out of range
- [wmii] Bug-report wmii-4: highlight first tag label
- [wmii] bug: /tag/sel/index and /tag/sel/ctl consistency
- [wmii] BUG: colum scaling
- [wmii] BUG: coredump with gtksee in floating
- [wmii] BUG: Filesystem does not show /client, wmiir does
- [wmii] Bug: Resize/move window under Xvnc
- [wmii] BUG: segfault when playing around with tags
- [wmii] Bug: Strings passed to libixp functions are modified
- [wmii] Bug: undefined "wi_getfuns" in wmiirc
- [wmii] BUG: write "send sel 3", then "send sel 2" -> crash
- [wmii] BUGFIX? Fix crash when applying tag /./ and switching to another tag
- [wmii] buggy floating window behavior?
- [wmii] buggy restoration after fullscreen
- [wmii] Bugreport 3-current dev
- [wmii] Bugreport snap 20060316
- [wmii] build errors after libixp update
- [wmii] call for implementation: wmii-10 layout
- [wmii] Can not switch view with MOD-[0-9]
- [wmii] can't change modkey
- [wmii] Can't get new key bindings to work
- [wmii] Can't make Alt+A working
- [wmii] can't start firefox
- [wmii] change column widths
- [wmii] change to next tag
- [wmii] change wallpaper keybinding
- [wmii] changing default colours of wmii
- [wmii] changing font size of terminals
- [wmii] Changing geometry through filesystem
- [wmii] Changing resolution within WMII and wmiir strange behaviour
- [wmii] Changing tiled page width
- [wmii] click-to-focus
- [wmii] client labels
- [wmii] client loses focus after swap
- [wmii] client titlebar
- [wmii] ClientClick-event when moving mouse wheel even inside windows
- [wmii] clock-skew while installing wmii
- [wmii] Code Snippet view all clients on specific tag (idea)
- [wmii] code snippet: attach/detach window from current view
- [wmii] Color scheme
- [wmii] Colors shemes
- [wmii] Column Layouts
- [wmii] Column size mismatch?
- [wmii] columns
- [wmii] Columns showing up even when a view is empty
- [wmii] Compilation error on cmd/wmiir.O
- [wmii] compilation wmii / ubuntu package
- [wmii] compile error & bug
- [wmii] Compiling on a 64 bit system
- [wmii] Compiling the latest mercurial sources
- [wmii] compliation problems
- [wmii] Composite support
- [wmii] Control-? chord for MODKEY
- [wmii] controlling clients based on their classes
- [wmii] Core dump with the latest snap
- [wmii] Crash
- [wmii] Crash - issue #49 added
- [wmii] Crash and a Reccuring Issue
- [wmii] CSC: default color scheme contest
- [wmii] CSC: Results
- [wmii] CSC: Vote for your favorit colorscheme now
- [wmii] CSC: Vote: blackgold.alexungur
- [wmii] CSC: Vote: ocean.rossmohn.png
- [wmii] Ctl commands and geometry change
- [wmii] Current state of wmii?
- [wmii] customize wmii via ~/.wmii-hg/wmiirc
- [wmii] Customized layouts?
- [wmii] cycle through workspaces like 2.5.2
- [wmii] Cycle views
- [wmii] Cygwin build problem, libX11.dll.a
- [wmii] Cygwin problem
- [wmii] Cygwin?
- [wmii] Dead windows
- [wmii] Dear list
- [wmii] Default configuration
- [wmii] default key binding
- [wmii] detecting if client is fullscreen
- [wmii] Devorak Kinesis keyboard
- [wmii] diff between snap and tip from web-interface?
- [wmii] Disabling wi_hack
- [wmii] Discussion of terms
- [wmii] dmenu hg tip needs testing
- [wmii] dmenu mpd client
- [wmii] dmenu patches and os x issue
- [wmii] dmenu-0.1
- [wmii] dmenu-1.3 / lsw-0.1 / slock-0.1 / sselp-0.1 / swarp-0.1 / lsx-0.1 / ssid-0.1
- [wmii] dmenu-1.4 / sic-0.5
- [wmii] dmenu-1.7.1 hotfix release
- [wmii] dmenu-1.8
- [wmii] dmenu-1.9
- [wmii] dmenu-2.1
- [wmii] dmenu-2.3
- [wmii] dmenu-2.4
- [wmii] dmenu-2.6
- [wmii] dmenu-2.7 / slock-0.5
- [wmii] dmenu-2.8 / slock-0.6
- [wmii] Dockapp problem
- [wmii] Does wmii violate U.S. Patent No. 5,072,412?
- [wmii] don't edit the wiki anymore
- [wmii] dosbox?
- [wmii] double status bar
- [wmii] dtach v. screen
- [wmii] Dual head screen switching
- [wmii] Dual head setup again
- [wmii] dual screens?
- [wmii] dual-display configuration
- [wmii] Dual-monitor setup
- [wmii] dwm Zooms/cycles emulation on wmii
- [wmii] dwm-2.1
- [wmii] dwm-2.7 / dmenu-1.7
- [wmii] Dynamicness, Window Sizes (again, sorry) and Xinerama.
- [wmii] Easy way to move between tags
- [wmii] Editing the wiki
- [wmii] emacs (tool-bar-mode nil) long startup under wmii
- [wmii] emacs minibuffer frame
- [wmii] Enable ARGB visual for wmii frame
- [wmii] ENV['WMII_ADDRESS'] problem with latest Ruby-IXP/libixp/wmii?
- [wmii] Enviroment
- [wmii] eris is obsolete now
- [wmii] Expirimental regex-based tag support in tip.
- [wmii] Extra processes when relaunching rc.wmii or wmiirc
- [wmii] failure on startup
- [wmii] fast usb / cd rom mounting
- [wmii] Feature request
- [wmii] feature request: /tag/sel/index and /tag/sel/ctl consistency
- [wmii] feature request: ClientClose event
- [wmii] feature request: send floating clients to any managed column
- [wmii] feature request: show tags in title bar
- [wmii] Feature request?
- [wmii] feature suggestion/is this feature available yet?
- [wmii] Few questions
- [wmii] Finally we got a new maintainer
- [wmii] Firefox Bookmarks problem with wmii
- [wmii] First Swedish wmii9con
- [wmii] fix for latest tip (wmii-hg2338) failing to compile on openbsd
- [wmii] Float keybinding
- [wmii] Float mode
- [wmii] float windows
- [wmii] floating area no longer represented by ~
- [wmii] floating layer broken in 20070516?
- [wmii] Floating SDL window
- [wmii] Floating window disappears
- [wmii] Floating window out of wmii control
- [wmii] Floating Window Resize Bug + Tag Switching Bug
- [wmii] Floating windows
- [wmii] Floating workspaces... odd behaviour?
- [wmii] Focus bug
- [wmii] Focus changes display after closing window
- [wmii] focus switch - race condition?
- [wmii] Font problem
- [wmii] font size within applications
- [wmii] For those who (still) care about Debian
- [wmii] For those who care about Debian
- [wmii] formatting date in bar
- [wmii] frappr/wmii
- [wmii] FreeBSD port for hg tip
- [wmii] freemind
- [wmii] Frob columns when window appears?
- [wmii] Full Screen Firefox
- [wmii] Fullscreen bug
- [wmii] fullscreen in mplayer and gqview
- [wmii] function keys
- [wmii] future of suckless.org
- [wmii] Fwd: (pseudo-)transparency bug in rxvt-unicode >= 5.x
- [wmii] Fwd: [wmii-hackers] suckless.org - new primary domain, wmii.de, wmii.net, shortest.de and 10kloc.org going to be dropped
- [wmii] Fwd: Accepted/Zusage: 22c3 Hackcenter-Signup
- [wmii] Fwd: Article on "wmii" at http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/64
- [wmii] Fwd: compile error & bug
- [wmii] Fwd: script for wmii
- [wmii] Fwd: space between frame
- [wmii] Fwd: sswriter
- [wmii] Fwd: Wmii bug
- [wmii] Fwd: wmii overview post
- [wmii] gaimevents
- [wmii] gap between redisplaying window and redrawing title
- [wmii] gdb trace of crash
- [wmii] gdb trace of crash - SOLVED
- [wmii] generel wmii setup
- [wmii] Gentoo
- [wmii] geometry info from X
- [wmii] geometry info from X - SOLVED
- [wmii] getting started (confused)
- [wmii] getting stuck with an old 'status' - what's going on?
- [wmii] Getting wmii-hg from AUR
- [wmii] GIMP tagging problem
- [wmii] Gnome Panel
- [wmii] gnome-do multi tagged
- [wmii] gnucash disappearing
- [wmii] Google code.
- [wmii] Google Summer of Code
- [wmii] GPL vs BSD
- [wmii] Grid Layout Adjustments
- [wmii] GSoC 2009, suckless.org has been rejected
- [wmii] GSoC2009
- [wmii] guide links updated
- [wmii] guide_en.tex
- [wmii] guide_en.tex review
- [wmii] guide_en.tex???some fixes
- [wmii] guide_en.tex—some fixes
- [wmii] hallo
- [wmii] Happy Camper!
- [wmii] Hello, and kudos
- [wmii] help...
- [wmii] hg repo not working for me
- [wmii] Hide floating/unmanaged layer?
- [wmii] Hiding the menu bar
- [wmii] High quality good service!
- [wmii] higher load under wmii-3
- [wmii] Hoping to make your lives harder :)
- [wmii] How can I close a page
- [wmii] How to bind the Pause key (or any other one) to execute a random non-wmii-specific program
- [wmii] how to control the size or visibility of title bars of windows in wmii-3?
- [wmii] How to create empty columns of certain size?
- [wmii] How to make a new tab and start application inside ?
- [wmii] How to move bar to top without covering windows
- [wmii] How to resize a window?
- [wmii] How to resize columns?
- [wmii] How to set default mode to max?
- [wmii] How to set geometry in 3.5?
- [wmii] how to setup PATH properly
- [wmii] How to show apps like nm-applet or others?
- [wmii] how to simulate clipboard applet
- [wmii] how to triggerLeftBarDND?
- [wmii] How to work flexibly? Usage question.
- [wmii] Howto install ruby-wmii for wmii 3.6
- [wmii] Howto to focus a floating client (wmiir)
- [wmii] Hygene in wmii/libixp repositories
- [wmii] I wrote a jump-or-exec
- [wmii] Idea to handle broken clients
- [wmii] Identifying the selected client
- [wmii] Idle Detection Feature Proposal
- [wmii] ii-1
- [wmii] ii-1.2
- [wmii] ii-1.3
- [wmii] Imitation of Screen's 'meta' command
- [wmii] improved dmenu-1.4-bottom-patch for wmii users
- [wmii] in cmd/wmii/column.c
- [wmii] Incorrect focus (firefox, 20060401)
- [wmii] Increment handling
- [wmii] Inferno/Styx
- [wmii] Inferno/Styx - why wmii is in C and is part of the Anti-Matrix
- [wmii] Installing wmii & 9base on OS X
- [wmii] IntelliJ 5.1 and wmii-2.5.2
- [wmii] Is there a way to register a 'callback'?
- [wmii] Is this a bug?
- [wmii] issue with personnal wmiirc file
- [wmii] Issues with current tip.
- [wmii] Issues with multiple tags in snap 20060425
- [wmii] IXPClient.errstr vs error numbers
- [wmii] java apps - lost keyboard input - solution
- [wmii] java apps and wmii -- solved
- [wmii] java apps stop receiving keyboard events
- [wmii] java Swing apps loses focus under wmii-3.6
- [wmii] Java-window-error gray box at the bottom of the window
- [wmii] key binding
- [wmii] Keybindings not working on wmii (3.6~rc2+20070518-1)
- [wmii] keys in wmiirc 3.6 in debian
- [wmii] killall telnet kills wmii
- [wmii] Killing layout boxes (odd little corners)
- [wmii] Know a good mail notification program?
- [wmii] Latest builds
- [wmii] latest changes
- [wmii] Latest IntelliJ crashes wmii
- [wmii] latest tip
- [wmii] Launching Windows in Background
- [wmii] layout discussion
- [wmii] layout per tag.
- [wmii] Lexicographical sorting of /rbar/ -- really?
- [wmii] libixp
- [wmii] libixp adding 24 trailing NUL bytes to Rread?
- [wmii] libixp client write bug
- [wmii] libixp compilation errors
- [wmii] libixp-0.1
- [wmii] libixp/fs.c: wstat?
- [wmii] liblitz fontset implementation
- [wmii] libnotify and wmii
- [wmii] Little problem with prefix thats not in PATH
- [wmii] local configuration file
- [wmii] looking for a "battery status.sh" - pls help
- [wmii] looking for a suckless gksudo...
- [wmii] Looking for examples for libixp
- [wmii] looking for that font in official sample screenshot(s)
- [wmii] Mail notification
- [wmii] mailing list changed
- [wmii] manners
- [wmii] Many wmiir processes when window name changes quickly
- [wmii] Memary leak in wmibar?
- [wmii] Memory usage in 20051114
- [wmii] Menu colors on snap 20060412
- [wmii] Menu interface
- [wmii] Meta key useless for emacs
- [wmii] misplaced windows
- [wmii] missing statusbar events
- [wmii] mktemp for $WMII_ADDRESS
- [wmii] mlterm startup funkyness
- [wmii] Mod + p does not work
- [wmii] MOD+T ignore some parameters (mrxvt)
- [wmii] Modkey
- [wmii] MODKEY-Control-t does not restore keybindings
- [wmii] More about Rii
- [wmii] More info on stuck wmiir
- [wmii] More newbie strangeness -- no window decorations?
- [wmii] mounting 9P
- [wmii] mounting the wmii filesystem with 9p2000
- [wmii] Mouse $MODKEY in current snap
- [wmii] Mouse button events
- [wmii] Mouse focus behavior.
- [wmii] Mouse Gestures - wayv
- [wmii] Mouse issues
- [wmii] moving a floating window with the keyboard?
- [wmii] moving liblitz on
- [wmii] moving liblitz on [lines broken, for broken mail clients]
- [wmii] Mplayer not keeping floating state and segv issue
- [wmii] multi screen
- [wmii] multiple status/sleep instances in top
- [wmii] Multiply Tagged Floating Client Z-Layer Bug
- [wmii] multitags
- [wmii] My own wallpaper
- [wmii] Need help with mailnotifier, I am confused
- [wmii] new (consistent) keybindings in the hg repo
- [wmii] New (old) maintainer
- [wmii] new bugfixes
- [wmii] New bugs: non-standard paths and firefox
- [wmii] new colmode syntax
- [wmii] new project server
- [wmii] New rc-based wmiirc available.
- [wmii] new repository, you need to get again
- [wmii] New snap released. 20070218
- [wmii] New snap released: snap20070303
- [wmii] New snap released: snap20070304
- [wmii] new snap: 20051215
- [wmii] new snap: 20060110
- [wmii] new snapshot
- [wmii] New style Mystic Violet for WMii
- [wmii] new to wmii -- config-question --
- [wmii] New URL of repositories/source code
- [wmii] new website launch (request for volunteers)
- [wmii] New Website?
- [wmii] next and previous tag
- [wmii] next/previous view
- [wmii] no menus, no text (at all) in statusbar and client labels
- [wmii] no more wmiirc
- [wmii] no program starts with M+p
- [wmii] no program starts with M+p: not yet solved
- [wmii] No-bars patch
- [wmii] Open in new column if only one column.
- [wmii] OpenBSD on snap 3.16.2006 not working 2.5.2p1 OK
- [wmii] Opening windows without focus (Was: Several Questions)
- [wmii] Ordering of labels in wmiibar
- [wmii] OSNews article
- [wmii] ot 22C3 "defaced not running"
- [wmii] OT: Who owns a T43?
- [wmii] other bars compatibility ?
- [wmii] Other bugs in latest snap
- [wmii] overfull column redrawing
- [wmii] PATCH: Don't draw borders on fullscreen floating windows (xinerama)
- [wmii] PATCH: Make font for bar configurable separately
- [wmii] patches for shared object libixp and Sun compiler
- [wmii] Patches from Debian
- [wmii] Perl version of libixp/wmii released
- [wmii] pidgin notifications
- [wmii] placement of opera windows
- [wmii] Plan9ish projects
- [wmii] Plan9ish projects (was: wmii 2.2 packages in Debian ready for an upgrade?)
- [wmii] plan9port in gentoo portage
- [wmii] polishing of wmii
- [wmii] Popups in all views: is it possible ?
- [wmii] Preparation for 3.7 Release.
- [wmii] Preparations for 3.5
- [wmii] Presentation
- [wmii] problem managing LyX windows
- [wmii] Problem SOLVED
- [wmii] Problem starting wmii on openbsd 4.4
- [wmii] Problem unfloating windows in hg2260
- [wmii] Problem while mounting the wmii filesystem
- [wmii] problem with 3.6 installation under MacOSX
- [wmii] problem with font size of various apps
- [wmii] Problem with resizing floating window
- [wmii] Problem with sed in wmii's Makefile
- [wmii] problem with snap20070218
- [wmii] Problems starting latest snap
- [wmii] problems with (some) keybindings
- [wmii] Programs that start up in floated mode
- [wmii] proposal - listener process facility
- [wmii] Question about column layout
- [wmii] questions and suggestions
- [wmii] Raise a client
- [wmii] rc.wmii - adding my own keybinding in rc.wmii
- [wmii] rc.wmii and escape characters
- [wmii] rc.wmii.local does not work
- [wmii] rc.wmii: Warp to window from menu?
- [wmii] rc0: 20060427-rc0-tschernobyl
- [wmii] rc0: 20060427-rc0-tschernobyl, wmiirc shortcuts patch
- [wmii] rc1: 20060501-rc1-prypiat
- [wmii] rc2: 20060504-rc2-slavutych
- [wmii] rc3: 20060509-rc3-agnita
- [wmii] rc4: 20060511-rc4-baikal
- [wmii] rc4: floating clients
- [wmii] rc5: 20060513-rc5-kiev
- [wmii] rc6: 20060517-rc6-constanta
- [wmii] Recent changes
- [wmii] recommended system tray applet for wmii
- [wmii] regarding documentation for wmii-3
- [wmii] release management and repository change
- [wmii] Reload wmiirc on the fly?
- [wmii] removal of liblitz, separation of ixpc, wmii updated
- [wmii] removal of liblitz, separation of ixpc, wmii updated)
- [wmii] removing 9base dependency, depending on plan9port as option, switching back to sh?
- [wmii] req: documentation update
- [wmii] Request for comments/help
- [wmii] Request for Wiki conversion
- [wmii] resizal of windows over fs/keyboard
- [wmii] Resizing in default mode
- [wmii] Resizing terminal windows
- [wmii] resizing windows with MODKEY+right mouse
- [wmii] restoring size after maximisation
- [wmii] Retagging floating clients
- [wmii] rii and changes in libixp
- [wmii] Roadmap to 3.5
- [wmii] ruby wmiirc - interactive live demo
- [wmii] Ruby-IXP 0.1 - restarting patch
- [wmii] Ruby-IXP freezing with overload patch
- [wmii] Ruby-IXP license change
- [wmii] rules in a separate file
- [wmii] s/9rc/9base/
- [wmii] save window settings
- [wmii] screen resize problems
- [wmii] screen shot enquery
- [wmii] Screenshots please
- [wmii] scripting wmii geometry
- [wmii] Segfault & wmiirc weirdness in 20070511
- [wmii] Segfault in wimenu
- [wmii] Segfault when chmod on mounted wmii
- [wmii] segfault when selecting previous page
- [wmii] Segmentation fault
- [wmii] Select window by name?
- [wmii] selection buffers (PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD)
- [wmii] Sending a keypress to clients
- [wmii] Separate Wmii instances on Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead
- [wmii] Separated wmiipsel, wmiisetsid and wmiiwarp / Request for Wiki conversion
- [wmii] Session saving
- [wmii] Setting EWMH Struts?
- [wmii] setting the border doesn't work
- [wmii] Several Questions
- [wmii] sh flame with Uriel
- [wmii] simple tag permutations
- [wmii] Skype profile is collapsed
- [wmii] slock problem
- [wmii] slock XID patch
- [wmii] slock-0.2
- [wmii] slock-0.3
- [wmii] slock-0.4
- [wmii] slock-0.7
- [wmii] Sloppy focus?
- [wmii] Slow compared to ion
- [wmii] Small bug in 9base
- [wmii] Small bug: tag '.' or '~' results in segv (wmii 3.5)
- [wmii] Small bugs in fs.c (patch)
- [wmii] small patch for wmiimenu.c
- [wmii] Small tag order bug
- [wmii] snap 20051031
- [wmii] Snap 20051215 Bugs
- [wmii] Snap replaced: snap20070218.1
- [wmii] Snap replaced: snap20070218.2
- [wmii] snap20070218.2 - /tag/sel/ctl broken
- [wmii] snap20070218.2 crash [fixed in tip]
- [wmii] snap20070218.2 crash log
- [wmii] snap: 20060216
- [wmii] snap: 20060224
- [wmii] snap: 20060227
- [wmii] snap: 20060227: destroy_page?
- [wmii] snap: 20060302
- [wmii] snap: 20060307
- [wmii] snap: 20060308
- [wmii] snap: 20060309
- [wmii] snap: 20060310
- [wmii] snap: 20060311
- [wmii] snap: 20060313
- [wmii] snap: 20060313 -- tag bugs?
- [wmii] snap: 20060313, proglist() spike
- [wmii] snap: 20060316
- [wmii] snap: 20060316 -- compilation on Solaris
- [wmii] snap: 20060316 -- selection bugs
- [wmii] snap: 20060322
- [wmii] snap: 20060323
- [wmii] snap: 20060323 -- mouse support
- [wmii] snap: 20060324
- [wmii] snap: 20060324 disappearing tags
- [wmii] snap: 20060327
- [wmii] snap: 20060329
- [wmii] snap: 20060329 -- shortcuts bug
- [wmii] snap: 20060401
- [wmii] snap: 20060401, easier wmiirc for config shortcuts
- [wmii] snap: 20060411
- [wmii] snap: 20060411 -- /view/tag gone?
- [wmii] snap: 20060411 -- /view/tag gone?]
- [wmii] snap: 20060412
- [wmii] snap: 20060413
- [wmii] snap: 20060413)
- [wmii] snap: 20060414
- [wmii] snap: 20060414, ~/.wmii-3/wmiirc ignored?
- [wmii] snap: 20060424
- [wmii] snap: 20060425
- [wmii] snap: 20060425 - focus behaviour, xpdf
- [wmii] snap: 20060425 - xpdf
- [wmii] snap: 20060531
- [wmii] snap: 20060607
- [wmii] snap: 20060705
- [wmii] snap: wmii-20060118
- [wmii] snap: wmii-20060119
- [wmii] Snapshot 20070116
- [wmii] Snapshot 20070202
- [wmii] Snapshot release of 3.5
- [wmii] Snapshot release of 3.5 - Does not work!
- [wmii] snk_wmiirc: How to influence order of tags in status bar?
- [wmii] soffice display problem with current hg snapshot
- [wmii] Solved: How to set default mode to max?
- [wmii] Some ideas of layouts
- [wmii] Some problems ?
- [wmii] some slock things
- [wmii] Something else (bug ?)
- [wmii] sound problem
- [wmii] sswriter
- [wmii] st
- [wmii] stability question
- [wmii] Stacks
- [wmii] Stacks in a column
- [wmii] standalone libixp won't compile.
- [wmii] status bar on top
- [wmii] status doesn't work
- [wmii] Status script
- [wmii] status.sh doesn't work
- [wmii] statusbar - issue with date
- [wmii] Strange output when closing x
- [wmii] suckless.org - new primary domain, wmii.de, wmii.net, shortest.de and 10kloc.org going to be dropped
- [wmii] suckless.org domain transfer
- [wmii] suckless.org host will change soon
- [wmii] Suggestion: Split Columns
- [wmii] suggestions for the sanitizing of swapping
- [wmii] summary of some #wmii talk on 2006-03-02
- [wmii] support for xinerama
- [wmii] swap up -- off by one problem
- [wmii] Switch to named tag by number
- [wmii] Switch to previous window or view?
- [wmii] Switching between tabbed frames
- [wmii] synthesize-event?
- [wmii] szs4th
- [wmii] tagging action
- [wmii] Tagging conventions examples
- [wmii] Tagging rules?
- [wmii] tagging suggestions
- [wmii] tagging titles
- [wmii] tagrule to send clients in managed layer patch
- [wmii] Tags
- [wmii] Tags)
- [wmii] terminal suggestions
- [wmii] Test
- [wmii] Test wmiikgrab (our next key event handling?)
- [wmii] The latest darcs build
- [wmii] the new Rii
- [wmii] Thunar opening in previous tag
- [wmii] Thunderbird
- [wmii] time for a new wmii release?
- [wmii] to Renjith Rajan, about automatic startup
- [wmii] Too much autocompletion in wmiimenu
- [wmii] Transient window bug
- [wmii] Trouble with wmiir
- [wmii] Two odd behaviors with wmii+ixp-20070516
- [wmii] two questions
- [wmii] Two wmii.rc issues
- [wmii] typo in wmiirc
- [wmii] un-float broken apps?
- [wmii] Understanding default mode
- [wmii] Unnecessary(?) redraw on tagging change
- [wmii] unsubscribe
- [wmii] Updates to tip, please test!
- [wmii] Urgent .deb call for 9base
- [wmii] urxvt considered harmful ;)
- [wmii] Use of the WIN key
- [wmii] users - please do a quick test
- [wmii] Using "colspan"?
- [wmii] Using tags to control applications
- [wmii] Using the whole titlebar as drag handle.
- [wmii] UTF-8 text issue in wmii-3.6
- [wmii] v9fs?
- [wmii] Vacation until Jun 6
- [wmii] Vector-free wmii source
- [wmii] veraenderter Modkey mit veraenderter Ctrl-Taste
- [wmii] views and tags overhead
- [wmii] website migrated
- [wmii] Weird segfault bug in latest wmii darcs
- [wmii] Weird wmiir output with wmii 3.5
- [wmii] well done!
- [wmii] What about the focus now?
- [wmii] Whither wmi?
- [wmii] Who is maintaining the wmii-guide?
- [wmii] Why does Eclipse float?
- [wmii] Why is the "space" key lowercase?
- [wmii] wimenu arrow keys support
- [wmii] wimenu key bindings
- [wmii] wimenu keybindings
- [wmii] wimenu no longer working
- [wmii] window close bug?
- [wmii] Window handling question: how to deal with columns always being as high as the screen?
- [wmii] window menu does not displays right
- [wmii] Window resizing bugs
- [wmii] windows keys instead of alt
- [wmii] wm 3 stable feature request
- [wmii] wmi - users and code
- [wmii] WMII & screen rotation
- [wmii] wmii 2.2 packages in Debian ready for an upgrade?
- [wmii] wmii 3.1 - patch for wrapping select_area()
- [wmii] wmii 3.1 - tiling & grid & balanced layouts
- [wmii] wmii 3.1 - tiling layout
- [wmii] wmii 3.1 feature request
- [wmii] wmii 3.1 scripting - repeat last action
- [wmii] wmii and conkeror
- [wmii] wmii and glut
- [wmii] wmii and OpenBSD :)
- [wmii] WMII and resolution changes
- [wmii] wmii and skype
- [wmii] wmii and ubuntu intrepid, slow resing columns
- [wmii] WMII and Xinerama
- [wmii] wmii bug ?
- [wmii] wmii crashes
- [wmii] wmii crashes on exit
- [wmii] wmii crashes on this wmiir write command
- [wmii] wmii Digest, Vol 119, Issue 4
- [wmii] wmii doesn't work with other font than arial
- [wmii] wmii don't read ~/.wmii-3.5/wmiirc file
- [wmii] wmii features
- [wmii] wmii freeze
- [wmii] wmii guide - french translation achieved
- [wmii] wmii hg devel, increased cpu wakeups-from-idle
- [wmii] wmii in FreeBSD
- [wmii] wmii installation error
- [wmii] wmii is blocking drag&drop in gtk
- [wmii] wmii logout error
- [wmii] WMII Menu bug with non-existent programs
- [wmii] wmii namespace now on wiki
- [wmii] wmii on Interix
- [wmii] wmii on macs
- [wmii] wmii on NetBSD (patch)
- [wmii] wmii on OpenBSD
- [wmii] wmii on OSX?
- [wmii] wmii on wikipedia
- [wmii] wmii on Windows
- [wmii] wmii patches
- [wmii] wmii Q's (python bindings & attaching windows)
- [wmii] Wmii Script does not work
- [wmii] WMII Shortcuts and other programs
- [wmii] wmii snippet: change to previous active view
- [wmii] WMII status focused window
- [wmii] wmii statusbar on 2 screens ?
- [wmii] wmii xsession file for dualhead
- [wmii] wmii+ixp-20070516: Menus not working for me (MODKEY-a, MODKEY-p, ...), wmiir-trouble(?)
- [wmii] wmii-2 bash completion
- [wmii] wmii-2 style resizing 'modes'
- [wmii] wmii-2.5 'Oranienburger defloration' released
- [wmii] wmii-2.5 patches for Solaris 9
- [wmii] wmii-2.5 segfault.
- [wmii] wmii-2.5.1 hotfix release
- [wmii] wmii-2.5.2 crashed
- [wmii] wmii-2.5.2 hotfix release
- [wmii] wmii-20060329 disappearing firefox and other stuff
- [wmii] wmii-3 and window 'z-index'/'z-stack' handling problem with the float layout
- [wmii] wmii-3 configuration - in Ruby
- [wmii] wmii-3 configuration - in Ruby)
- [wmii] wmii-3 guide patches.
- [wmii] wmii-3 how to send all keys/ mouse events to window?
- [wmii] wmii-3 mean real improvements?
- [wmii] wmii-3 on MacOS X?
- [wmii] wmii-3 release announcement
- [wmii] wmii-3 release schedule
- [wmii] wmii-3 support for complex unicode rendering
- [wmii] wmii-3 under te_IN.UTF-8 locale - blank title bars
- [wmii] wmii-3 under te_IN.UTF-8 locale - screen shot
- [wmii] wmii-3 under te_IN.UTF-8 locale - Xi18nTextPropertyToTextList() fails
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 /event overload fix: release request
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 bug (fix): libixp overload
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 bug: libixp overload
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 bugfix release
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 bugfix release]
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 client redawing upon tag changes
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 patch (fix): allow empty view if current
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 patch: allow empty view if current
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 patch: client ID in filesystem
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 patch: send from floating area to any area
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 patch: swap to any column
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 segfault when sendto same column
- [wmii] wmii-3.1 writing standards
- [wmii] wmii-3.5.1 bar on top patch
- [wmii] wmii-3.5.1 bar on top patch (revised)
- [wmii] wmii-3.5.1 crash when re-tagging
- [wmii] wmii-3.6 with plan9port-20080416
- [wmii] wmii-3.6-rc1
- [wmii] wmii-3.6-rc2
- [wmii] wmii-4 20060828 doesn't compile on Solaris
- [wmii] wmii-4 fs proposal/discussion
- [wmii] wmii-4 idea - column capacity for a tag
- [wmii] wmii-4 is dead?
- [wmii] wmii-4 title/frame coloring
- [wmii] wmii-hackers list
- [wmii] wmii-hg - Make left column always wide?
- [wmii] wmii-hg and Xinerama
- [wmii] wmii-ruby plugins for FreeBSD monitoring and XMMS monitoring/control
- [wmii] wmii.de again
- [wmii] wmii2 and XDMCP
- [wmii] WMII3 i18n
- [wmii] wmii4: client id's in use?
- [wmii] wmii9menu sorting
- [wmii] wmii9rc Problem
- [wmii] wmii@suckless.org is a subscribers only list
- [wmii] wmiifs bug?
- [wmii] wmiimenu
- [wmii] wmiimenu menu length
- [wmii] wmiimenu/dmenu prompt option?
- [wmii] wmiir "cannot write file" error
- [wmii] wmiir 'virtual fs' specification?
- [wmii] wmiir : fatal: can't mount
- [wmii] wmiir seg fault
- [wmii] wmiir segfault
- [wmii] wmiirc broken in wmii+ixp-20070511
- [wmii] wmiirc keybindings
- [wmii] wmiirc Locking Up
- [wmii] wmiirc shortcuts
- [wmii] wmiirc snippet: tag comments
- [wmii] wmiirc vs rc.wmii
- [wmii] wmiirc with no explicit /keys writes; in rc for wmii-4 tip
- [wmii] wmiiwm build errors (libixp location, and error())
- [wmii] wmiiwm segfaulting
- [wmii] wmiiwm: cannot open display
- [wmii] working with multiple clients
- [wmii] wrong cursor highlighted
- [wmii] wrong windows sizes after returning from fullscreen window
- [wmii] x11-window-id for clients patch
- [wmii] x2x
- [wmii] Xinerama ??
- [wmii] Xinerama with different tags per screen (Zaphod-Style)
- [wmii] xkb state info?
- [wmii] xmms not sent to floating layer in latest snap
- [wmii] xpdf: window size problem
- [wmii] XPM support in status bar
- [wmii] xprop/gtk d'n'd patch
- [wmii] xrandr --same-as
- [wmii] xrandr limits the workspace to 1024px height
- [wmii] xrandr support?
- [wmii] xterm not full maximized
- [wmii] XWindows default fonts
- [wmii] Yet another Background/Wallpaper Question
- [wmii] z-layering of floating clients
- [wmii] Zombie Window Crashes wmii
- [wmii] Zombies
- [wmii] ~/.Xmodmap, Mod4 are behaving weird, very
- about wmiibar2
- Adding cpu usage to status bar
- alicq and skype in wmii-3
- Aw: [wmii] Discussion of terms
- Bar going away?
- bar on top [was: [wmii] wmii-3 release announcement]
- Best way to select a particular client?
- branching the repo
- BUG: Event spelled wrong in wmiirc
- BUG: strip whitespaces in rules (was: [wmii] snap: 20060424)
- Changing geometry through filesystem
- click-to-focus
- columns
- Compiler compatibility (Was: [wmii] Finally we got a new maintainer)
- Crash running IntelliJ
- customize wmii via ~/.wmii-hg/wmiirc
- Dockapp problem
- dtach v. screen
- fixed size apps
- Frob columns when window appears?
- Fwd: [wmii-hackers] suckless.org - new primary domain, wmii.de, wmii.net, shortest.de and 10kloc.org going to be dropped
- Fwd: [wmii] CSC: default color scheme contest
- Fwd: [wmii] Fwd: space between frame
- Fwd: wmiibar2 ready
- Greetings WMII Team
- Guide to wmii-3
- Hiding the menu bar
- IntelliJ 5.1 and wmii-2.5.2
- issue with personnal wmiirc file
- issues
- latest changes
- Latest IntelliJ crashes wmii
- layout discussion
- layout per tag.
- layout per tag.)
- mlterm startup funkyness
- mouse and tagging
- mouse and tagging)
- moving liblitz on
- multiple status/sleep instances in top
- multitags
- new (consistent) keybindings in the hg repo)
- New mailing list
- New snap
- New Wiki
- no more wmiirc
- other bars compatibility ?
- problem managing LyX windows
- Problem with access to repos/
- quick thanks... for wmii
- Raise a client
- rc2: 20060504-rc2-slavutych
- rc5: 20060513-rc5-kiev
- regarding changeset 240 & 255
- regarding wmiir remove /X
- regular expressions
- Removing classical Multihead support?
- ruby wmiirc - interactive live demo
- ruby-wmii & wmii 4
- Select window by name?
- setsid for acme/sam/maybe any libdraw-based app
- sh flame with Uriel
- snap: 20060307
- snap: 20060311
- snap: 20060316
- snap: 20060425
- snap: 20060705
- snap: wmii-20060118
- snk_wmiirc: How to influence order of tags in status bar?
- some things worth to look at before 3.1
- szs4th
- tabs :(
- Tagging conventions examples
- Tagging rules?
- tags vs. views
- terminal suggestions
- to Renjith Rajan, about automatic startup
- Using wmii with NX
- Weird segfault bug in latest wmii darcs
- Why does Eclipse float?
- wmii 2.2 packages in Debian ready for an upgrade?
- wmii 3.0 missing feature
- Wmii 4 - Bug report - Firefox
- wmii and skype
- wmii and ubuntu intrepid, slow resing columns
- wmii feature requests
- wmii on OpenBSD
- wmii post from perl@gmx.org requires approval
- wmii-3 configuration - in Ruby
- wmii-3 mean real improvements?
- wmii-3.1 bugfix release
- wmii-3.1 patch: client ID in filesystem
- wmii-3.1 segfault (patch) - sendto same column
- wmii-4 fs proposal/discussion
- wmii-4 fs proposal/discussion)
- wmii-4 is dead?
- wmii-ruby plugins for FreeBSD monitoring and XMMS monitoring/control
- wmiibar2 ready
- wmiirc Locking Up
- wmiiwm segfaulting
- Xinerama ??
- Last message date: Wed May 20 2009 - 12:09:07 CEST
- Archived on: Tue Mar 11 2025 - 07:48:58 CET